
for every DIY level


18 online video lectures to watch any time, over and over, that cover the A-Z of natural garden design. From researching plants to exploring which are native to you, and from sourcing plants to site prep to design and install and management.

Pocket Guides

15 short guides on a variety of topics to get you started without feeling overwhelmed. Topics include where to find native plants, matrix design, gardening by sociability, and so much more.


A self-paced, 5-part series that includes a series of online classes followed by a design component that helps you put the class content in action. Learn how to match plants to site, layer naturally for climate resilience, use plugs in a matrix, and design based on plant habit.


Sign up for upcoming webinars or view events from the past that we might offer again. These interactive sessions provide community and give you time to ask questions directly of the presenters and of one another.

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Front yard meadow bed full of diverse native plant flowers and grasses in the foreground, contrasting with the background of suburban monoculture lawns and hard concrete surfaces like streets, sidewalks, and driveways. We can do better for the health and resilience in the places we call home.