
past and upcoming empowerment sessions

“Benjamin is delightfully approachable, the right amount of funny and a genuine teacher. I got a lot out of the masterclass and can’t wait for the next one.”

"I’ve gardened with native plants for years here in Maine but have always struggled with design. I wish I had taken this webinar years ago. The matrix design concept makes sense and the garden plans that were shared are so inspirational."

"Benjamin explained native garden design in a way that makes it easy to understand for the home gardener. I feel much more confident now in how to design gardens that are beneficial to wildlife, beautiful, and easily maintained."

"Just the right amount of technical, professional, and approachable sets of valuable information. The presenter is such a great communicator with passion that's clearly evident. Well worth every penny, can't wait to learn more!"

"This was a well-prepared presentation that covered a lot of territory in a relatively short amount of time. I really appreciate Benjamin's generosity in sharing his acquired wisdom. I have Prairie Up but needed this to help me see that I could do it."

Previous Events

Have you ever thought of starting a side hustle creating natural, plant-based gardens for others – or even diving headlong into a career change, wondering if it’s even feasible? What about leaving another firm and starting your own? And just exactly how do you do all of that?

In this half-day seminar learn from three independent business owners who will pull back the curtain on everything from forming an LLC to insurance and payroll, to sourcing and managing plant inventories and finding contractors, to communicating successfully with clients about design, install, and management, and finally how to price and market your services while fostering multiple revenue streams. And yes, we’ll also explore hard lessons and help you try to navigate some of the growing pains, including the never-ending imposter syndrome.

What will be a unique aspect of this event is the coffee-shop-style conversation in which all three business owners will openly discuss single topics, followed by Q&A after each segment, before moving on to the next subject. This organic back and forth will provide for more authentic and empowering information as you start, grow, or pivot your career.

What’s Included?
— Access to the recording for 3 months
— Q&A after each of 10 roundtable discussions
— Office hours for additional Q&A 1 week post event
— 80p manual to download and keep forever

Learn how to garden with nature, not against it!

Having a more natural garden bed or lawn-to-meadow replacement does not mean just letting the plants go. It certainly does not mean tossing seed out and hoping for the best. Management begins with proper site analysis and plant selection, because the last thing we want to do is be discouraged by weeds or plants that are too tall and flop or vanish prematurely.

In this empowering webinar we’ll delve into how to research plants to ease the management strain while also looking at how to prep a site for weed control and why some weeds are ok and even helpful. We’ll learn how every site is different and the variables innumerable but that the plants will always lead the way in showing us what do. Finally, we’ll explore the benefits of matrix design for smart, sustainable management with an action plan for the first 3 years.

Please note this will be a live-format webinar that will run 60 minutes with 20-30 minutes of Q&A. A recording will be made available to all registrants 24 hours after the webinar end time, and then for 1 month after the event. After 1 month the recording will be deleted.

Live event starts at 1pm (cst) on 9/26.

*In case of illness, the event will instead run on 10/3 at 1pm (cst).

webinar for natural design masterclass hosted by benjamin vogt

Intro to Matrix Design + Using Plant Sociability in Design + matrix design guide (20p) + converting lawn guide (20p) + garden planner (9p) —- (a $95 value)

In this roughly 2.5 hour (150 minute) masterclass seminar, we’ll cover in depth the principles behind matrix design – perhaps the best and simplest way to construct a natural garden that benefits ecosystem function, habitat, and intentional beauty. Then, we will dive much deeper by learning how to research and select plants based on their sociability, a critical metric often overlooked and seldom taught to gardeners at any level.

We will have time after each of the two presentations for Q&A, and the chat will be open so you can help one another and offer further resources from around the country.

The matrix garden design and lawn converting guides will serve as valuable cheat sheets to reinforce what we’ve learned, while the planner will help you research and organize plants to use in your matrix planting based on plant sociability. All three PDFs are yours to keep forever.

Don’t miss this chance for a more in depth afternoon of natural garden design and be left empowered and inspired to excel in your landscape goals this summer, fall, and even next year.

The session will be recorded and available for 1 month for all who register, while the guides and planner will be sent to you via a link one day after the event (along with the recording link).

Please double check and register with the CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS.

*In case of illness, the event will instead run on 8/8/24 at 1pm (cst).

Have a shady area with tree roots, run off, where grass won’t grow, or where only hosta and wood mulch do well?

We’ll explore how to create a matrix-style natural garden for small to medium sized urban and suburban landscapes with full to part shade. So if you have mature trees and think you can’t have a pollinator-supporting, designed meadow, we’re going to show that yes you can indeed have that. And with a diversity of native plants (especially if you live east of the Rockies).

We will highlight dozens and dozens of species suited for dry to medium soils from clay to loam, from perennials to ephemerals to sedges, from species that bloom in spring to summer and fall. And then we’ll show you how to put those plants together in resilient and sustainable habitat gardens.

Are you ready for a super mega presentation about unlawning America? The why and the how?

While wall-to-wall, outdoor carpeting is a relatively recent phenomenon in the US, lawn has come to dominate urban landscapes as being the default landscape mode. It’s simple to maintain but resource intensive, polluting, harmful to kids, costly for businesses, and has few if any ecosystem services benefit to any species.

In this massive lecture with designer and author Benjamin Vogt, we’ll cover everything on the why and how to shrink lawn and instead use local native plant communities. From the history of lawns to converting lawn to natural gardens, from how to design a space sustainably and artfully to strategies for working with HOAs and municipal code inspectors, we’ll also dive into the problems of clover lawns and No Mow May. Yeah, it’s going to be wild!

Are you ready to reprairie suburbia?

Ready for a presentation like no other? This will be a candid and honest (and uncomfortable) look at over one dozen projects by a natural garden designer, filled with hiccups galore that aren’t so much failures as opportunities to grow (more puns?). Don’t feel alone any longer! It’s likely the pros go through the same thing as you do. Maybe this will be a pity party — or maybe you’ll walk away with new management techniques to try based on our own trowel and error. You won’t want to miss this unique conversation!

Please note this will be a live-format webinar that will run 60-75 minutes PLUS Q&A for a total run time of roughly 90 minutes. A recording will be made available to all registrants 24 hours after the webinar end time, and then for two weeks after the event. After two weeks the recording will be deleted.

Plant tags can’t take you very far — not if your goal is a climate resilient, low management, wildlife garden full of myriad ecosystem services. In this presentation we will explore in depth the nuances of researching a plant’s sociability or behavior as the key metric in natural garden design. Namely, how allowing a plant to fully express itself through reproduction, and matching it to other plants within a larger community, can create a more holistic landscape best suited to the local site conditions and management goals.

Please note this will be a live-format webinar followed by a healthy Q&A period. A recording will be made available to all registrants for two weeks after the event.

Prairie Up!

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Front yard meadow bed full of diverse native plant flowers and grasses in the foreground, contrasting with the background of suburban monoculture lawns and hard concrete surfaces like streets, sidewalks, and driveways. We can do better for the health and resilience in the places we call home.